The Means of Art. Spatial thinking and desire to create

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Art-Based Investigation

This course will be created together with students and will try to envision (picture) their own desire to study, design and eventually actively contribute to the realm of architecture. Art will become a simple mediator that looks for complex ways how to detect, articulate and structure your own perception and desire to design.

What does psychoanalysis tell you about design and your own perception?

The lecture will address the question of spatial thinking in psychoanalysis (and it's topological aspects), as well as the architecture of the unconscious. In relation to design, perception and gaze will emphasize how architecture engages your own personal dreams and desires, as well as language in contemporary art as it is represented in a linguistic reflection of the unconscious.

Lecture by Nina Krajnik, head of a department of Lacanian psychoanalysis at the University of Sigmund Freud – Ljubljana
