EST - block 1 assignment

session 3: presentation of the research

Mona: Familiar facades

Georg and Gernot: Mona Hatoum 

Iris: Vesna Bukovec

Isabella and Marilena: The mapping journey project
in the Observer

Bernhard/ Katharina: 
Dismaland > in wikipedia; in the Spiegel
Banksy Calais/ Steve Jobs graffiti > in The Guardian

Güli: Ai Wei Wei
Lesbos> in the Spiegel; in The Guardian
Gendarmenmarkt > in the Spiegel

Carina, Lisa-Maria and Belinda:
„Guests“ - Krzysztof Wodiczko: Polish Pavillon, 53. Venice Biennial, 2009 
Migration VII - Sabine Braun
Sucht und Migration - Krankenhaus Maria Ebene
The List - Banu Cennetoglu


(more ... coming soon)


session 2: work in class
after analysing a selection of artistic works on the topic of migration, we have jointly extracted a few “categories”, or artistic methodologies to work with this subject.   

first assignment  
open research on artistic works that following one of the topics above.
search for works as the ones presented on the class and critically analyse them.

prepare a 10 - 15 minutes presentation, in any format 
(using slideshows, handouts, experiential/ performative approach, etc)

you can work alone or in small groups. 
