IZK Lecture Series

In 2015 the Institute of Contemporary Art established the IZK Theory Lecture and IZK Artist Talk Series as an interface for understanding teaching and exhibiting as a public matter where artist presentation, research, investigation, and the academic program interconnect international authors, students, art institutions, and the committed audience. The IZK Artist Talk Series is a means to introduce, on the one hand, (academic) artistic research outside of the university and present it to the wider audience and, on the other, instigate responsibility towards the public and society. The IZK Theory Lecture Series is a way to bring into the discourse around the institute (both within the university and in the public) that which is fundamental for investigations and close to themes present at the institute. Both lecture series involve a continuous collaboration with local institutions in Graz while stepping outside the academic parameters. This format is supported by Stadt Graz and Land Steiermark.

In close collaboration with local art institutions such as the Camera Austria, Kunsthaus Graz, Grazer Kunstverein, – Center for Contemporary Art, Künstlerhaus Graz and Forum Stadtpark, Milica Tomic have developed a project addressing questions of contemporary discursive art praxis beyond established exhibition formats as a series of public encounters with curators, artists, art theorists, architects, and art historians. The program connects the wider public and the local art and cultural scene and enjoys high popularity. It brought, and continues to bring international academic positions towards contemporary art production to the city of Graz. In its second year (2018/2019) the format continues to be supported by Stadt Graz and Land Steiermark.



Exhibition Matters triangulation2

Exhibiting Matters – Triangulation 

Exhibition Matters Other Formats2

Exhibiting Matters – Exploring Other Formats


Theory Lecture Series

IZK Theory Lecture Series 


Artist Talk Series

IZK Artist Talk Series 


Exhibiting Matters - Exploring Other Formats

IZK Theory Lecture Series

IZK Artist Talk Series

Exhibiting Matters - Triangulation
