The activities of the Institute are not intended as isolated and self-contained spheres, rather they are conceived as mutually supplementing contingencies that are continuously and dynamically feeding into each other. In this way, stemming from a critical approach, the IZK links forms of artistic and cultural production at the dynamic intersection of art, science, and society, looking for existing holes within the relations in between which the institute operates and seeks new potentialities. The IZK positions itself within the city of Graz as a mediator that brings international academic research and art into the local and social context establishing connections between the students, local art institutions, engaged public, and international art context.
A growing number of formats support this vision. The IZK establishes and nurtures close connections and interdependencies between teaching, research, projects, and events. These are (research and thematic) exhibitions, IZK Theory Lecture Series and IZK Artist Talk Series, Public Working Sessions, conferences, and publishing.

(Re)production and Its Discontents – Exhibition at Forum Stadtpark

Geography of Looking – Exhibition at AR/GE – KUNST, Bolzano

Graz Open Architecture – Sommerfest 2023

How Does One Get to Own a Mountain? – Exhibition at Annenstrasse 53,

Time Crystals, Rocks, Stone, and Mud – Exhibition – Annenstrasse 53,
HOW ON EARTH?! Exhibition within the 59th October Salon (Belgrade Biennale)

The European Dream – Performance at Halle für Kunst Steiermark
Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering
WHAT KEEPS YOU AWAKE? Urgency in Life and Art – Exhibition – Graz University of Technology
The Living Archive – Exhibition / Open Crits – HDA Haus der Architektur
Returns of Knowledge(s) – Exhibition – HDA Haus der Architektur
Sommerfest – Graz Open Architecture 18 – Sites of Labour
Body Luggage, Exhibition, Steirischer Herbst/Kunsthaus Graz
Sans Souci, Exhibition Opening and Performance, HDA Haus der Architektur
Sans Souci Exhibition – Malta Festival Poznan – Art Stations Gallery
Sans Souci Exhibition – at Remembering Landscape – Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen
Sans Souci Exhibition – Remembering Landscape – The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest