Lecture: Returns of Knowledge

IZK Institute for Contemporary Art Chair and artist Prof. Milica Tomić is focusing in her lecture on how both research based art practice and transdisciplinarity have become normative to artistic production and art education over recent history. These methodological expansions, where art is utilised as a tool for research rather than being regarded as an isolated field of its own, have been assigned with productive new labels such as artistic research, or even have been referred to as »hotbeds« for knowledge production. The notion of artistic investigation thereby may be envisioned as a combined method disrupting the more conventional divisions between artistic practice and scientific research, leading to a new epistemic space which contributes to the construction of a specific understanding towards the relations between knowledge and power.

The lecture series Architectural Research is an integral component of the Graz Doctoral School of Architecture. Lecturers of TU Graz as well as international guests present current projects in architectural research in regard to their concepts, methods and findings.

Free admission – the lecture will be introduced by Dr. Daniel Gethmann of the Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History and Cultural Studies.

Lecture: Returns of Knowledge