31.05.-01.06.2019 10:00-17:00
Kunsthaus Graz
"I don’t think I am trying to commit suicide". Performance Now is an in-between project set to take place during the phases of exhibition set-up. The programme will deliberately move between different disciplines of art, presenting artists whose practice means they cannot be categorised entirely either as fine artists or performance artists.
Works developed during the courses: Sans Souci: Four Faces of Omarska and Take the Place With you were exposed under the framework of Performing at the Trowel’s Edge by Milica Tomić together with Dzana Ajanović, Ajna Babahmetović, Anousheh Kehar, Lidija Radojević, Andrea Peković, Nelly Sanjta, Philipp Sattler, Dubravka Sekulić and Raphael Thurnher.

Aflenz. Encoding Knowledge Into Space by Nelly Sanjta, Philipp Sattler, Raphael Thurnher and Nelly Tsenova.