Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

IMG_3929Grandhotel Panhaus Semmering, 1888, Austria 

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise

For a detailed handout please click here.

“Look within the creole garden, you put all species on this tiny lick of land: avocados, lemons, yams, sugarcanes… plus thirty or forty other species on this bit of land that doesn’t go more than fifty feet up on the side of the hill, they protect each other. In the big circle, everything is put into everything. He who finds the strength to mix has the strength to find.”

Edouard Glissant cited in LOICHOT, V: Orphan Narratives: The Postplantation Literature of Faulkner, Glissant, Morrison, and Saint-John Perse. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007, p. 149.

On their journey across the ocean, the African slaves lost everything – languages, Gods, songs, familiar objects, sacred places – and all they had left were traces. When they arrived at the other side of the Atlantic, they faced treacherous conditions and famished. Very soon, the enslaved started small, clandestine gardens, known as the Creole Gardens. They grew them in secrecy at night after they finished their work on the plantations. The gardens were usually placed in very narrow spaces in which they succeeded to cultivate coconuts, yams, oranges, pines, sweet potatoes, cassava, dozens of different crops and scents. It was their invention. The plants mutually protected each other, employing the rhizomatic concept of planting that Edouard Glissant calls the principle of (horizontal) distribution. The enslaved had science and knowledge. The Creole Gardens were one essential element that helped them survive.

The Creole gardens are not an exception. These gardens contain knowledge that came about as a form of resistance and resilience, as an answer to colonial barbarism and acculturation. This form of knowledge counters the representative, imperial form of gardens that feature so prominently in the Western imaginary. These imperial gardens are riven with ambivalences that stem from questions asking: whose labour is exploited to maintain them as sites of nourishment and enjoyment; who is displaced and whose land is occupied? The enslaved and the labourers remain cast out of the Euro-Christian garden of ‘earthly delights’, even if it is precisely their knowledge and labour in the real garden that feeds and sustains this symbolic garden. (Gray and Sheikh, 2018)

Another view on the meaning of the garden brings us back to 1969, at the psychiatric hospital of Blida-Joinville in Algeria, where the anti-colonial and revolutionary thinker, writer and psychiatrist, Frantz Fanon worked and where patients created the garden as part of the process of occupational therapy and healing. Fanon showed unique enthusiasm towards the use of the garden, botany and architecture as ground and space to nurture for therapeutic ends. 

Departing from the idea of the ‘creole garden’ and looking for other examples of counter-gardening, in this Studio Project: Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise, we will look at different forms of property, soil and cultivation as an entry point for a conversation connecting history to the present and touching upon issues of liberation through care, architecture, revolution planting, and repair. Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise draws on radical forms of pedagogy (teaching) and psychoanalysis in relation to gardening and architecture as tools for unlearning, exploring how institutionally engineered norms and values might govern our imagination. By looking at the garden as a space of resilience (nourishing), as well as a space of healing and surviving, we will reflect on (condemnation) how colonial barbarism, acculturation and epistemic violence (G. Spivak) perpetrated by colonial institutions—produces creation from destruction. We will explore different property forms, soil and cultivation as an entry point for a conversation by employing various devices, such as drawing, photography, archiving, mapping, and site writing. We will use these devices to create a methodology that will enable us to find the (spatial) articulation of the meaning of gardening in relation to trauma, fear, the continuous year-long lockdown. Our aim is also to instigate a process of healing and repair.

[1] Frantz Fanon, revolutionary thinker, writer and psychiatrist

Research material and methodology:

Guest lectures, talks, interviews, film and video screenings, reading groups, designing, gardening, digging and walking. Students are encouraged to blur the boundaries between diverse modes of knowledge production and practice. The Master Studio Project Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise explore the potentials of artistic involvement and collaboration with renowned, artists, curators, theorists and partners.

The master studio project will be divided into four parts: (1) research (art-based research, gardening and botany survey while reading, screening, and discussing); (2) presentation of the research sample. (3) production (film making, gardening, exhibition concept development and other forms, yet to be discovered, and (4) curatorial design (Kuehn, 2016), a preparation for the exhibition and final presentation at the exhibiting space Annenstrasse 53,  in collaboration with the Verein Das Gesellschaftliche Ding. Kunst, Architektur und GesellschaftSpringerin (Magazine) and Art in Public Space Niederösterreich, in the larger framework of the international exhibition “Land, Property and Commons” curated by Hedwig Saxenhuber (curator, Springerin magazine, editor in chief).

Studio spaces: IZK Online Teaching / IZK Research Space  / outdoor fieldwork / exhibiting space Annenstrasse 53,

Studio times: sessions Wednesday, Thursday 11:00 – 16:00dates after the Easter break subject to change in discussion with students

Working sessions throughout the studio with invited guests:

Andreas Goritschnig, architect, Breath Earth Collective

Wilfried Kühn, KuehnMalvezzi architects

Hila Peleg, curator and writer HKW Berlin

Atelier „le balto“, landscape architects and artists

Nina Krajnik, psychoanalyst and philosopher, Slovenian Association of Lacanian Psychanalysis, Ljubljana

Shela Sheikh, lecturer Goldsmiths University of London

Jumana Mana, artist

Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, associate professor, University of Warwick

Virginia Black, architect f-architecture

Secil Binboga, architectural historian

Mohammed Bouroussia, artists

Siri Black, artist and researcher

Philipp Sattler, artist, researcher and writer

A detailed syllabus, time plan, materials and references for the Master Studio Project will be published after the first session on 10th March.

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

HOW ON EARTH?! Exhibition within the 59th October Salon

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Atoms at Work. On Art-based Research as Praxis

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering


Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Listen to Dreams in Strange Colors. Film as Architectural practice

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Lessons In Darkness, Silver Salts and the Lightest Metal

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House. Forms of Feminist Praxis

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

When The Dust Unsettles

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

IZK Research Days

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Curatorial Design:
A Place Between

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Incomputable

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Open Modes Graz

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Knowledge Forms

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Living Archive: On Collecting, Classifying and Remembering in Contemporary Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Life Drawing

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Lieber Maler, male mir… Conditions of Commissioning in Contemporary Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Scientific Image: Revealing the Work of Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Politics of Exposure: Common Research, Public Investigation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Recondite Archive: In Search of a Form that Speaks

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Artistic Interventions in Public Space

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Conference: Knowledge Forms and Forming Knowledge

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Awaiting Reininghaus

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Live Action: Creating Roles in Speculative Environments

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Visual and Sonic Practice

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

From Roundabout to the Round Table

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

New Graz Dinner Party

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Architecture of the Inhuman. A dialogue with machines

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering


Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Let's Build a Library Together!
Workshop 2

TU Research Hub: Workshop 0.1.

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

A Critical Construction Report, Graz 2017

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting as a Research Practice, A Case Study

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Returns of Knowledge(s)

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unlearning Classroom

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

WAS WIR TUN, Camera Austria: an Investigation into the Institution

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Let's Build a Library together with Grazer Kunstverein

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

into the Herbst archives

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Imaginary School

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

(un)learning spaces

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering


Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

A hidden abode of art production

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Returns of Knowledge(s): How Research Makes an Exhibition

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sans Souci Exhibition - Malta Festival Poznan

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unlearning Classroom

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Workshop 2

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sites of Labour - Master Studio

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Display Dark Energy

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

what keeps the “friendly alien” alive? on maintenance and management of kunsthaus graz

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

From Performance to Video and Then Back Again: How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Digital Worker: Witnesses of a transformation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

'Matters of Facts'
The Orthogonal Methods Group

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Engineering Fictions #3.18:
Computer Says No
by Jessica Foley

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Diagram Reading Group
by Dennis McNulty

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Logic Gate Session
by Tom O’Dea

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

ORIENTATIONS - Screening Program by Dennis McNulty, Bea McMahon and aemi

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Central Perspectives, lecture by Bas Princen

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unlearning Black Pete (and other states of coloniality), lecture by Annette Krauss

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

'Matters of Facts'
The Orthogonal Methods Group
in Conversation with
Dejan Markovic

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

“Hot Iron” and “Hot Iron Marginalia”, lecture by Adrià Julià

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

HAUNTINGS IN THE ARCHIVE!, Screening and Q&A with Julia Wieger

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

A walk through the Zoo, lecture by Andrea Palašti

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Tiny Objects of Survival, Lecture by Petar Milat

The Ethics of Plumbing, Ines Weizman in Conversation with Milica Tomic and Dubravka Sekulic

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Artistic Life of the Pioneer Plaque: The Exposure of Universal Humans, Spacecraft as Gallery, Cordially Meeting the Others… - Lecture by Jelena Vesic

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Open Secret of Exhibitions, Lecture by Vincent Normand

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The City and the City, Course

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Returns of Knowledge(s) - exhibition

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Linguistic Landscapes and Ideological Horizons

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Pedagogy, Playgrounds and Pavilions by Nils Norman

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Hidden Curriculum, and other ways of hiding in plain sight

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Architectural Environment-Worlds, lecture by Hélène Frichot

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting the Thing: A short history of thinking about the modes of display

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Beyond Socialist Modernism - “New Artistic Practice” in Yugoslavia in the Sixties and the Seventies

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sans Souci / Exhibition Opening & Performance

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After the Post Internet & the Winter of AI

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unterwassergemurmel -
The Murmur of the Underworld.
Discussion about the artwork

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Detroit Resists and Architecture in Resistance

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Black and Blight, lecture by Andrew Herscher

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Memory of the World / Public Library

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

(Re)Naming Working Session 01

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Violence at the Threshold of Detectability

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Jochen Gerz – Working with the Public

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Learning from Leaving Las Vegas

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Public Session – The Recondite Archive. In Search of the Form that Speaks

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Dieter Roth – Július Koller.
Distant Proximities?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Lecture: Returns of Knowledge

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Film Screening: Alpi

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Daniel Wetzel/Rimini Protokoll
One Archive: One document

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Andrew Herscher
Humanitarian’s Housing Question

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Presentation: The Mother of All Nodal Points

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Workshop: In or Out of the Archive?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Andrew Herscher – The Counter-Monument

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Workshop: The Appearance of That which Cannot be Seen

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Andrew Herscher
From the Politics of Memory to the Memory of Politics

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Open Working Session: Limits and Horizons of Transdisciplinary Art-Based Research

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibition: The Living Archive

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unknown Avant-Garde, Lecture by Anna Artaker

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Counter Memory and Publicness

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Across Disciplines: Visual and Sonic Practice

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Space of Art: Challenge of transdisciplinary knowledge production

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Means of Art. Spatial thinking and desire to create

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

In the Ruins of Deregulation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

22520 Standards. – questions on economization in creative production procedures. 

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

FARBENLEHRE: What Color Is the Sacred?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

A thing called Nature

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibition: In the Ruins of Deregulation - Thinking with Cinema Balkan

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

What Keeps You Awake? Urgency in Life and Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Life of Crops: Towards an Investigative Memorialization

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

UMBRUCH. When objects are called to tell stories

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Documenting Transformation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Death Drives and Coin Test China High-Speed Rail Videos, lecture performance by Ho Rui An

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Landscapes of Post-History, lecture by Ross Exo Adams

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Komuna Fundamento

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Body Luggage

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

From the Object to the Thing

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

What is Photography?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Take the Place with you - Public Presentation and Discussion

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sommerfest - Graz Open Architecture 18

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Reading Capital

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sommerfest - Graz Open Architecture 19

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

WHAT KEEPS YOU AWAKE? Urgency in Life and Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Prehistory of a Museum of Capitalism

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

FARBENLEHRE: What Color Is the Sacred?

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The Sublime Landscape and its Relation to Labour

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On Stones, Plants, and Tools: the image of a resource

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Exhibiting the Thing: A short history of thinking about the modes of display

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Study Assistants


Summer Fest 2020

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Sans Souci- at Remembering Landscape

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Sans Souci - Remembering Landscape

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Performance Now: „I don’t think I am trying to commit suicide“

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Post-Yugoslav Generation at the Unidentified Grave of “Yugoslavia”

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

What can the property relations tell us about the city?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Private Property, Privatisation and Other Crimes

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

project House of Open Gates/ Narratives from the Arrival City. Steirischer Herbst 2016

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting Matters - Exploring Other Formats

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting Matters - Triangulation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Memorial in Becoming

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting Matters - Exploring Other Formats

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Exhibiting Matters - Triangulation

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IZK Artist Talk Series

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

IZK Theory Lecture Series

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

VIDEO ESSAY - a video literacy

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Nothing Easier Than to Imagine a Four-Dimensional Cube!

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The (Ultimate) Norm and Its Relation to Colour Balance, Image Technologies and Cognitive Equity

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Objects of History

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Thresholds of Opacity and Legibility: Manifesting, Redefining and Eroding Forms

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Mind the Gap - Award for Philipp Sattler

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Annenstraße 53: Making Teaching Public

Un-Documented – Unlearning Imperial Plunder

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Four Faces of Omarska: Open Video Sequence

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Invitation: Ariella Aïsha Azoulay and Wayne Modest at Annenstrasse 53,

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

IZK I Lecture Series: Constructing Non-Alignment, a lecture by Dubravka Sekulić

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Digging Deeper

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Epistemic Injustice

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Infrastructures of Unlearning: Investigating the Futures Past

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

HOME WORK. On Artistic Practice During the Plague Years

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Unlearning Photography

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Trembling Streets: Investigative Materialities in an Apocalyptic World

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Incarceratedly Yours

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Through the Looking Glass, the Realities We Found There

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

book as an object of potential history

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Job Vacancy: Study Assistants

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Nina Valerie Kolowratnik - The Language of Secret Proof: Indigenous Truth and Representation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

David Frohnapfel - Alleviative Objects: Solidarity & Conflict in the Art World of Port-au-Prince

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The European Dream

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Secret Proof

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Poetics of Unlearning

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Marcell Mars - Distributed Resources versus Distributed Tech

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Trembling Streets - A Guided Tour

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Semmering - Land, Property, and Commons

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Call for Papers: Incomputable Earth—Digital Technologies and the Anthropocene

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Why Have There Been No Great Women Architects?

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Questions from an architect who reads. A students’ inquiry!

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Cloud Seeds

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Lecture - Łukasz Stanek, From Eastern Europe to Africa: Women Architects in the Global Cold War

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

am i actually an architect? new models of architecting

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

REPAIR Lectures

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PhD Day 2022

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The writing on the wall destroyed

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Tracing Aflenz. A Topography of Procedures

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Fragments As Method

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Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Life of Crops: Soil as Archive

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Visual Cacophony: Photography as a Designing Device

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Art Documentation in the Age of Digital Media

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Photography as a Document

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Revealing the Work of Art

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Bordering Forms

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Annenstrasse 53, Sequence 5: Free Cinema

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Colonial Impositions and Their Non-Effects: The Problem of French Domestic Norms and Forms in Colonized Algeria

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Samia Henni at IZK

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Annenstrasse 53, Exhibition: Art Documentation in the Age of Digital Media

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

LOADING TERMINAL - Poetry reading and conversation

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Curatorial Design: A Place Between, Public Conference at the Canadian Centre for Architecture Montréal

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

In Search of Movement

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Another World, Another Aesthetics

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

How Does One Get to Own a Mountain?

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Measure of Land

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Time Crystals, Rock, Stone and Mud

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

The Fourth Wall (To Build a Home)

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Branislav Dimitrijević - Indeterminate Certainty, Determinate Uncertainty: Robert Smithson and the Geological Turn

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

How Does One Get to Own a Mountain? Fieldwork public programme

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Marina Vishmidt - Entropy and Atrophy: Non-Identity in Non-Essential Infrastructure

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Gender Taskforce: Women Architects in the Global Cold War

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

Jackqueline Frost, The Rumor of the Earth: Nuclear Imperialism and Caribbean Ecology

Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering


Flowers (Not) Worthy of Paradise – Exhibition in the Public Space of Semmering

